Reading Material

Two day old baby found in the garbage dump near the municipal hospital. So far no one has come forth to claim her.

Eight year old girl raped by father.

Thirteen year old girl kidnapped on her way back from school.

Nineteen year old commits suicide. Found hanging by the fan in her hostel room.

Twenty one year old woman becomes victim of acid attack by a jaded lover. Suffers 87 percent burns.

Twenty seven-year old newly wed brought dead to hospital. Parents suspect foul play.

Fifteen year old accuses “god-man” of sexual abuse. Situation volatile as “followers” gather to show  support.

Twenty seven-year old dies in the government hospital from uncontrolled bleeding after childbirth. Family alleges negligence by doctor on duty.

Middle aged widow accuses the local MP of rape. Alleges she is being threatened by the police to withdraw her complaint.

Headlines ?

reading material courtesy
reading material courtesy

Just Our Everyday Reading Material ………..

This post is written in response to today’s prompt on “daily post” – “Reading Material”

21 Comments Add yours

  1. mahabore says:

    Wow, that was quite an intense post.

    Very sad situation though…

    1. many thanks for the ping back 🙂

    1. thanks for the ping back:) the name of your blog makes me want top check it out ! great name 🙂

  2. This is so, so sad. But, gosh, wouldn’t it be nice to get some good news one of these days?

    Hugs from Ecuador,

    1. I know kathy, but as things stand , reading the morning newspaper is the worst thing you can do for your soul 🙂
      good to see you again

    1. thanks for the ping back, much appreciated:)

  3. ZinalBhadra says:

    Opening up the papers is depressing 😦 Definitely not something you want to start your day with

    1. I know zinal, I have begun to keep it for later …. don’t like to mix it with the first feel of the soft cool wind in my garden ……

    1. thanks for the pingback 🙂

  4. Makes me want to weep.

    1. I know Valentine. But there are very few like us. When one reads this day in and day out most people just become numb .

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