The Hate Tree – Weekly Photo Challenge : “Growth”

A life germinates

hope is born

undeserved criticism

unfair, unjust labeling

A seed planted

prejudice,  exclusion


the tiny seedling


to a mammoth tree

of Hate

that never blooms

nor provides

anyone, any shade

This week’s challenge was “growth”. Growth, is such a positive word. It implies life, hope, a better future but growth can be negative too.  Unchecked growth of  negative feelings and  emotions like greed, hatred, selfishness has the potential to  swallow the human race and its gains.  The growth of these has to be stopped  at any cost. I have titled this poem The Hate Tree

31 Comments Add yours

  1. amira says:

    wonderful take on the theme.
    Its sad that prejudice, exclusion, bias, bigotry tends to grow faster and spread much more quickly than positive thoughts.

    1. true amira! Glad you liked the post 🙂

  2. Wonderful indeed! 🙂

  3. Lovely poem, thank you for the pingback 😛

    1. my pleasure! thanks for stopping by

  4. Eclipse says:

    A trully beautiful piece of art….
    Many thanks for the pingback 🙂

    1. thanks so much eclipse! glad you liked the poem 🙂

  5. S Jayanth says:

    Beautiful and true!

  6. Lisa at fLVE says:

    Thanks for the pingback.

    1. most welcome:) thanks for stopping by

  7. Amit Agarwal says:

    …beautiful poem! just loved it!

  8. danirachmat says:

    Such a powerful words you have. Wonderfully sad poem about Hate Tree. Love it.

    Thanks for the pingback 🙂

    1. Thank you ! I hope u come back someday to. Read something happy and fun 🙂

  9. JayadevM says:

    Excellent message, Sapna.

    Selfishness and narrow-ideals foster hatred and stunt growth.

    Its time for good people to rise and be heard.

    1. Thank you jayadev. It is time no doubt, but the good people are all too absorbed in their own world, it seems. Thanks much for stopping by! I’ve been out for the long weekend thus the late reply! Apologies!

      1. JayadevM says:

        No need to apologise. Best wishes!

  10. Mohana says:

    Nice write, powerful.

    1. thanks Mohana:) sorry for the late reply, somehow your comment had landed in my spam box !

  11. Your poem says so much that is true … well written …
    well done.
    Thanks for the pingback. It is greatly appreciated.

    1. Thank you!! Glad you liked it 🙂 welcome

  12. Arindam says:

    Excellent! So true. Beautiful Poem Sapna. Like it a lot.

    1. Thank you arindam!!! been out a lot lately, not been able to get to your posts, will catch up with them soon 🙂

  13. ZinalBhadra says:

    Very Well written Sapna, you are extremely talented 🙂

    1. Thanks for the shout out! Honored !

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