The Buddha of Langza valley

Serenely you sit astride this valley Presiding over its peaceful folk They seek you with  their  modest ambitions The bleating sheep and Flute playing Shepherds Look at you for protection Should you not safeguard them from us city folk ? With our petty jealousies and never ending aspirations They show you Gratitude for their meagre…

Against all odds

Untended Unexpected  Uncelebrated  Blooms life Against all odds! 


The prompt today at daily post was ‘bridge’.   

Going Home

What you do to me doesn’t matter how I feel is meaningless for this is not a  journey but a sojourn with a quest   This soul’s bled a million blood drops and billion more it shall weep before I can return it to the ‘one’ for eternal keep   I remember not exactly why…

The Humble Wildflowers

Nor tall Nor majestic Untended They grow The humble wildflowers Riot of colours On Slender stalks Fragile Making Weakness their strength The humble wildflowers Bending to the winds In the darkness of the mighty oaks Overshadowed Joyfully they nod The humble wildflowers In rock beds Through bitter colds Rough storms They thrive The humble wildflowers…

Why we will never call our daughter a ‘Princess’

It’s not because she isn’t beautiful … She is lovely! Her eyes sparkle, her cheeks shine. There is pluck in the way she holds her head. A little defiance, that’s infuriating and yet so endearing.  She moves with confidence and poise. Her gaze seems cool, like she doesn’t care whats going on with anyone, but…

Matchbox homes

Matchbox homes piled up high guarded doors reticent windows behind cautious curtains hide frantic heart beats desperate sighs not a friendly face I spy


Hello old friend! Remember me ?  There was a time when moments spent apart felt like years  When the chatter was endless Filling morns, noons and nights Sleep felt like a fiend That snatched away at precious time Now years have slipped by without a word Doesn’t the silence bother you ?  It stifles my heart…

The Cat on the Moon

Almost no one is aware, On our moon – A cat is there! She purrs gently and sleeps all day, But at dusk as  the world turns grey And Mr. moon  begins to walk the sky, The wicked cat slyly opens her eyes Meowing “I’m hungry for tiny girls and boys, Who forgot to tidy …

No one will refuse my dad water again!

N is a bright XII standard boy. In the classroom he looks motivated. He works hard and while he is not the most talented in his class, his ‘driven-ness’ ( The strong desire to prove himself),  more than compensates for it. I was not surprised thus when he cleared his NDA written examination. I work…

She had some dreams

She had some dreams She had dreams that were star-filled skies She had dreams that were sleeping baby’s sighs She had dreams that were raging forest fires She had dreams that were noisy bazaars with impatient buyers   She had some dreams She had dreams that were an eerily quiet  graveyard She had dreams that…